Yachtclub Schaffhausen (YCS)

Address : Felbach
City : Steckborn
Postcode : 8266
Country : Switzerland
Web : www.ycs.ch
Email : urs.wachter@ycs.ch
2018 23-06 Clubregatta
2018 30-06 - 01-07 Sommerregatta Drachen/Star
2018 15-09 - 16-09 49er/Pirat - Herbstregatta
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yachtclub Schaffhausen (YCS).

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yachtclub Schaffhausen (YCS)
Associated Club Swiss Sailing Federation
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