Segelclub Turbine Bleiloch e.V.

Address : Postfach 1307
City : Schleiz
Postcode : 07903
Country : Germany
Web :
Email :
Phone : 0163/2611521
2022 10-01 - 20-01 Blaues Band
2022 01-03 - 02-03 alex_Test2
2022 12-03 - 13-03 TSV Test
2022 29-04 - 30-04 Grünes Band
2022 01-05 Frühjahrsregatta
2022 27-08 - 28-08 Blaues Band
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Segelclub Turbine Bleiloch e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Segelclub Turbine Bleiloch e.V.
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband
Authorized Representatives Carsten Busch
Executive Committee Members Dr. Immo Seidel, Gabriele Schmeißer, Ines Zapp
Registration Court Amtsgericht Pößneck
Registration Number VR 250352
VAT Identification Number De126589985
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