Wettfahrtgemeinschaft Baldeneysee

Address : Stemmering 56
City : Essen
Postcode : 45259
Country : Germany
Web : www.wfg-baldeneysee.org
Email : info@wfg-baldeneysee.org
2017 08-07 - 09-07 SCN Club-Regatta 2017
2017 12-07 - 13-07 TST_REGATTA_1
2017 08-09 ESW Teamcup
2017 09-09 - 10-09 59. E S W | Verbandsoffene Wettfahrten
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Wettfahrtgemeinschaft Baldeneysee.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Wettfahrtgemeinschaft Baldeneysee
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband
© 2013 ST Software s.r.o. (Version: 1.0.1039.0)